=====Setting up backup2l with Debian===== ===== Installation and configuration ===== * Install the package: ''%%apt-get install backup2l%%'' * Edit the configuration file (/etc/backup2l.conf). You will need to change the following: # List of directories to make backups of. # All paths MUST be absolute and start with a '/'! SRCLIST=(/etc /root /home /var/mail /usr/local) # Destination directory for backups; # it must exist and must not be the top-level of BACKUP_DEV BACKUP_DIR="/var/backups/localhost" # Pre-/Post-backup functions # This user-defined bash function is executed before a backup is made PRE_BACKUP () { # On a Debian system, the following statements dump a machine-readable list of # all installed packages to a file. echo " writing dpkg selections to /root/dpkg-selections.log..." dpkg --get-selections | diff - /root/dpkg-selections.log > /dev/null || dpkg --get-selections > /root/dpkg-selections.log # Dump mysql databases. Watch the permissions on this file if entering passwords! echo " Dumping all mysql databases..." /usr/bin/mysqldump -uexample -pexample --all-databases --single-transaction > /root/all_databases.sq } # This user-defined bash function is executed after a backup is made POST_BACKUP () { # Sync to external backup space rsync --delete -qazr /var/backups/localhost example.backup.example.co.uk::example/ } # Remove this line after the setup is finished. UNCONFIGURED=0 By default backup2l will run with the zz-backup2l script in /etc/cron.daily To reduce the IO load of the backups, it can be edited as follows: ''%%! which backup2l > /dev/null || nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 backup2l -b%%'' ===== Controlling backups ===== The following page gives details of fine-tuning the backup frequency settings: https://forum.bytemark.co.uk/comments.php?DiscussionID=1771 ===== Restoring from backups ===== See examples at http://symbiosis.bytemark.co.uk/docs/ch-backup-reference.html ====== References ====== http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/backup2l.htm