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Building Debian packages of Perl modules

Some example commands to build Debian packages of Perl modules, using Dh-make-perl.

Downloading and building a package manually

Normally it is easier to use cpan2deb as that downloads and builds a package in one go. Sometimes you need to use a custom source tree though.

tar -zxvf Module-Generic-v0.37.3.tar.gz
chown -R andrew:users Module-Generic-v0.37.3
cd Module-Generic-v0.37.3/
PERL_MM_OPT='NO_PACKLIST=1 NO_PERLLOCAL=1' dh-make-perl --build --version=0.37.3
building_debian_packages_of_perl_modules.1725439790.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/04 08:49 by abeverley