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I found myself in a situation recently, where somebody wanted to create a Powerpoint slideshow for a hundred or so photos, all with the same header and footer. I thought it might be a lot easier to produce the file using Latex, and indeed it was. This is what I did.

The steps shown here include resizing and renaming the photos first.

I am assuming that you have all your images in the directory <tt>images</tt>

Resize photos

I used the Imagemagick <tt>mogrify</tt> command to bulk resize all the images. This command resizes all images to a maximum size of 1280×1024, but does not resize them if they are already smaller than that.

mogrify -resize 1280x1024\> images/*
Rename files sequentially

The following Perl script renames all the files sequentially. This makes it easier to include them in the Latex script. See [ this Stackoverflow question] for more details.

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
my $dir = $ARGV[0]
    or die "Please specify directory as first argument";
opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "can't opendir $dir: $!";
# First rename any files that are already numeric
while (my @files = grep { /^[0-9]+(\..*)?$/ } readdir($dh))
    for my $old (@files) {
        my $ext = $old =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/ ? $1 : '';
        my ($fh, $new) = tempfile(DIR => $dir, SUFFIX => $ext);
        close $fh;
        rename "$dir/$old", $new;
rewinddir $dh;
my $i;
while (my $file = readdir($dh))
    next if $file =~ /\A\.\.?\z/;
    my $ext = $file =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/ ? $1 : '';
    rename "$dir/$file", sprintf("%s/%s%s", $dir, ++$i, $ext); 

Save the above script and run:

./ images

You should now have all your images as 1.jpg, 2.jpg and so on.

Convert to slideshow PDF

Save the following Latex script as <tt>slides.tex</tt>. Comments being with a <tt>%</tt>.

\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} % using non standard fonts for beamer
\usefonttheme{serif} % default family is serif
\setmainfont{Source Sans Pro Light}
% Uncomment the following to insert a title image without header and footer text
%    \begin{frame}
%    \transduration{1.5}
%    \transglitter
%    \begin{figure}
%        \includegraphics[height=20cm]{another-image-file}
%    \end{figure}
%    \end{frame}
\foreach \n in {1,...,11}{
    \transduration{1.5} % Duration between slides
    \transglitter % Transition effect
%    \includegraphics{logo}\hspace{2cm} % Optional: add a logo at the top of each slide
    {\LARGE\textbf{Here is a header for each page}}\newline
    Here is some small footer text

Run the script. <tt>xelatex</tt> is used so that fonts can be used:

xelatex slides.tex

This will produce <tt>slides.pdf</tt>. This file can be opened with Adobe Acrobat and shown in full screen to see the slideshow with transitions. As much as I dislike the proprietary Adobe viewer, it does show the slideshow well, which not many other PDF viewers seem to support.

latexslideshow.1544125950.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/06 19:52 by abeverley