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I found myself in a situation recently, where somebody wanted to create a Powerpoint slideshow for a hundred or so photos, all with the same header and footer. I thought it might be a lot easier to produce the file using Latex, and indeed it was. This is what I did.

The steps shown here include resizing and renaming the photos first.

I am assuming that you have all your images in the directory images

Resize photos

I used the Imagemagick mogrify command to bulk resize all the images. This command resizes all images to a maximum size of 1280×1024, but does not resize them if they are already smaller than that.

mogrify -resize 1280x1024\> images/*

Rename files sequentially

The following Perl script renames all the files sequentially. This makes it easier to include them in the Latex script. See this Stackoverflow question for more details.


use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;

my $dir = $ARGV[0]
    or die "Please specify directory as first argument";

opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "can't opendir $dir: $!";

# First rename any files that are already numeric
while (my @files = grep { /^[0-9]+(\..*)?$/ } readdir($dh))
    for my $old (@files) {
        my $ext = $old =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/ ? $1 : '';
        my ($fh, $new) = tempfile(DIR => $dir, SUFFIX => $ext);
        close $fh;
        rename "$dir/$old", $new;

rewinddir $dh;
my $i;
while (my $file = readdir($dh))
    next if $file =~ /\A\.\.?\z/;
    my $ext = $file =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/ ? $1 : '';
    rename "$dir/$file", sprintf("%s/%s%s", $dir, ++$i, $ext); 

Save the above script and run:

./ images

You should now have all your images as 1.jpg, 2.jpg and so on.

Convert to slideshow PDF

Save the following Latex script as slides.tex. Comments being with a %.


\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} % using non standard fonts for beamer
\usefonttheme{serif} % default family is serif
\setmainfont{Source Sans Pro Light}



% Uncomment the following to insert a title image without header and footer text
%    \begin{frame}
%    \transduration{1.5}
%    \transglitter
%    \begin{figure}
%        \includegraphics[height=20cm]{another-image-file}
%    \end{figure}
%    \end{frame}

\foreach \n in {1,...,11}{
    \transduration{1.5} % Duration between slides
    \transglitter % Transition effect
%    \includegraphics{logo}\hspace{2cm} % Optional: add a logo at the top of each slide
    {\LARGE\textbf{Here is a header for each page}}\newline
    Here is some small footer text


Run the script. xelatex is used so that fonts can be used:

xelatex slides.tex

This will produce slides.pdf. This file can be opened with Adobe Acrobat and shown in full screen to see the slideshow with transitions. As much as I dislike the proprietary Adobe viewer, it does show the slideshow well, which not many other PDF viewers seem to support.

latexslideshow.1544126751.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/06 20:05 by abeverley